August 2023 Club Meeting

August 2023: We had JayDee Gunnell, a USU Extensions professor, give a virtual European garden tour. Instructor Josh Christensen from Anderson’s Seed and Garden discussed the various garden tools, emphasizing that we all need to find the right-fitting tools for us and the job!

July 2023 Club Meeting

July 2023: Instead of hosting a formal meeting, the Cache Garden Club hosted a member’s pot luck at the Cache Fairgrounds.

June 2023 Club Meeting

June 2023: Inspirational speaker Deserae Turner discussed her re-blooming experience, from hospitalization to growing flowers at her own non-profit. Instructor Brenna Decker, a PhD Candidate at Utah State University, discussed and answered questions about beneficial garden insects.

May 2023 Club Meeting

May 2023: The inaugural meeting of the Cache Garden Club started with a presentation from our founder, Dave Marcyes, discussing his background in gardening. This was followed by the creation of our vision board and our first club raffle!

April 2023 Club Meeting

Joseph Lofthouse, author of “Landrace Gardening”, shared his experiences with his gardening and seed-saving. Photography by Heidi Baxter